
Android 12's Compatibility Definition Document Highlights Requirements for Flagships

Google recently released the AOSP version of Android 12, and even though the release for Google Pixel devices is going to take some time, in that location are a lot of changes that are happening, and not all of them are on the front-end. This means that nether the hood, Android 12 is a animal of its own, and the latest Android Compatibility Definition Document has been released, and it outlines everything that the OEMs volition have to focus on.

Google Finally Outlines Everything it Volition Take to Run Android 12 on a Smartphone

The Android Compatibility Definition Document has been an integral part of the Android ecosystem for those who do not know. This is done to make sure that there is consistency in APIs and platform behavior between Android devices. Google bundles the distribution of Google Mobile Services with license agreements ensuring that the devices adhere to the rules under Google's Android Compatibility Program. The Android Compatibility Program consists of multiple automatic tests suited with rules mentioned in the CDD, which yous can check hither.

If for some reason, the device fails to come across the requirements outlined in the CDD, and then it could neglect Google'due south Compatibility Test Suite, resulting in the loss of Google'south suite of applications. The CDD in the by has been used to enforce changes that proved suitable for consumers. So, nosotros are not surprised that Google is serious about it.

With Android 12, there are a couple of new changes that the CDD brings. However, most of these are small and volition only touch on the OEMs. The almost significant modify was introducing a performance class that can be defined in the build properties of an Android smartphone. Google already announced this when they released the Android 12 Beta 1, and it is an piece of cake way for developers to check merely how fast an Android smartphone is. Google has also mentioned that each version of Android has its functioning class, which means that the performance class for Android 12 could be different than the functioning classes of hereafter Android versions.

The functioning classes are besides forwards-uniform. This means that a device tin update to a new Android version without changing its performance class, but the same time, it means that the device can modify their class if they meet the requirements of the new Android version. The CDD refers to functioning classes xi and 12 as operation classes R and Due south.

Some of the critical requirements for the Android 12 are below.

  • The device must accept at least 6 gigs of RAM.
  • The screen must be of at least 400dpi and 1080p resolution.
  • There should be at least 120MB/southward sequential write, 250MB/southward sequential read, 10MB/s random write, and 40MB/due south random read speeds.
  • The telephone must have, at minimum, a 12-megapixel rear camera capable of 4K 30 FPS recording and a minimum 4-megapixel front camera with 1080p FPS recording.

Functioning classes could be helpful for developers so they can improve the overall experience on not simply the devices that run into the performance course requirements but besides the devices that are on the lower or middle of the spec sheet. You lot tin can read all almost it hither.


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