
Where To Upload Personal Videos

There used to be a fourth dimension when sharing a video online was a tough task. These days, the problem has morphed into having also many options. Whether you lot want to share a video with the world, or only show it to your friends and family, the following websites volition assist y'all out.

YouTube: The Best Selection for Most People

YouTube is the world's largest video sharing platform. It's fairly piece of cake to employ (many video apps fifty-fifty support uploading directly to YouTube), and yous tin can share videos publicly or privately for free.

To upload a video, you'll need a Google account and to be signed into YouTube. On the top correct of the screen, you'll see the choice to upload your video.

Clicking the button will accept you to the following screen. Yous can then select your video files from your calculator or drag-and-drop your files in the upload area.

upload to youtube

Y'all can too upload videos privately on YouTube if you wish. The option is not straight-forward, and then let us explain. If you click the drop-down that says "Public," you'll see four options.

youtube privacy options

The "Public" option means that the video you upload will be public and announced in YouTube searches for the relevant terms. The "Scheduled" option makes a video public but sets its availability for a specific date and time.

For keeping videos private, there are two options, and this is what they mean:

  • Private: Private videos can only be viewed by people you qualify. You can invite upwards to l people via email to lookout the video and only they will be able to lookout the video. Even if one of those members shared the video with someone else, those people wouldn't be able to spotter it unless yous've added them to the list. Individual videos also don't announced in YouTube search.
  • Unlisted: Unlisted videos are quite like to public videos, but don't appear in the YouTube search results. It's a good option if yous've got a video you desire to share with more than than 50 people, only don't want the full general public stumbling across it too easily.

The level of privacy you desire to set on each video is your choice. You tin can upload all your videos publicly, or create a private collection just for friends and family.

Google Photos: Simpler Sharing, Skilful for Collaborative Albums

Google Photos is another excellent fashion to share videos. The advantage of Google Photos is that it has a more straightforward interface than YouTube and sharing is easier through your mobile telephone. It'southward even possible that your videos are already uploaded to the site if you're a Google Photos user. The service likewise supports albums, which can accept both photos and videos, making information technology an splendid option for sharing pictures and videos together.

You can upload a video manually or utilize one of the videos that your phone backed up automatically, only shared albums give you lot more control and also permit other people contribute to the album then that pictures and videos from anybody can be organized in the same place.

You start by creating a shared album.

shared album in google photos

On the next screen, click the sharing icon.

share google photo album

On the next screen, you'll be sharing the album with other people using their email addresses. You lot can as well create a shareable link and send that to people instead.

Regarding privacy, there are 3 things that you need to know about Google Photos.

  • Albums or photos you share can be accessed past anyone with the link. It doesn't matter who sent them the link.
  • Inside shared albums, you can plow off the option to let other people contribute.
  • If you lot make a shared album private in the time to come, all photos and videos contributed by others will exist deleted from the album.

So, Google Photos isn't quite as secure as YouTube if you lot have videos for which you want to restrict access. Only, being able to combine videos and photos into albums is great and letting other people contribute to them can be a lot of fun.

Facebook: Great if You (or the People You're Sharing with) Are Already on Facebook

One of the easiest ways to share your video is to upload information technology to Facebook. Most people accept a Facebook account, which makes it easy to share your video with anybody. Choose the Photo/Video pick from the post screen to upload the video. By default, the video's privacy settings volition exist the same equally you've set for your posts. So if your condition updates are shown only to your friends, and so your video volition be besides.

You lot can fine tune this past setting privacy options for individual posts. For case, if yous're prepare to post publicly to Facebook by default, y'all can still post a individual video by clicking the drop-downwardly menu on that post and choosing a unlike privacy option.

upload video to facebook

If yous have any doubts about who'll be able to run across your video, Facebook has put together a helpful guide that you can go through.

If you lot discover this complicated, and so you can create a Facebook Group instead and upload your video there. But the people who yous accept as members of the group volition be able to see the videos you upload there.

Vimeo: Practiced for Professional Videos

Vimeo is a video sharing platform like to YouTube. The difference is that Vimeo is generally used by professional video creators to show off their piece of work. But, you tin use Vimeo to upload your domicile videos or any other videos that you similar. Vimeo doesn't run ads and is supported by professional person creators who pay a subscription fee to host their videos.

There is a free plan too, only it does come with some limits. For example, you're limited to 500 MB of uploads per calendar week and v GB total. You too can't use the free plan to upload videos for a business (and that includes videos containing any grade of advertizing). Paid plans offset at $7 a month and get upward to $75 a month. Detailed limits of the gratuitous plan are listed in Vimeo'southward assistance docs.

Vimeo also supports privacy controls on uploaded videos. In that location are many privacy options, and most of them are bachelor even for gratis members, including the choice to password protect your videos.

upload video to vimeo

Y'all can find more details virtually all the privacy options on Vimeo'due south overview page.

Cloud Storage: Good if Others Need to Download Your Video

There are plenty of deject storage providers which you tin use to share videos, including Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox. For demonstration, nosotros'll use Google Drive equally an instance.

On all cloud storage platforms, the idea behind organizing your video is the aforementioned. Yous tin create a folder, add together your videos to information technology, and and then share the folder with the people yous want. You tin share private files, but having a folder is almost ever better. In the example of Google Drive, y'all add your video to a folder and then click the drop-down next to the folder'south name to see the share option.

upload video to google drive

You tin so share the binder in three ways.

  • Public: The folder will be indexed by Google, and anyone on the spider web can detect and view it.
  • Shared with selected people: You lot tin can enter email addresses of people with whom you want to share the binder. Y'all can also control if they can add more people to the sharing pool.
  • Shared with a link: This will create a unique link to the binder, and anyone with admission to the link will be able to view the contents of the folder. Rest of your Google Drive'southward contents will not be shared.

Other cloud storage providers might handle sharing differently, then please get through their documentation carefully to understand the difference.

An important thing to note well-nigh using cloud storage is that most cloud providers don't let y'all sentry the video online. You and the people you share the video with will probably have to download the video to a computer or mobile phone and and so watch it. Of grade, if that what you want people to exist able to exercise, then cloud sharing is a bully selection.

Image Credit: studiostock/Shutterstock


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