
How To Upload Bigcommerce Csv File To Google Adwords


Google Analytics Data Import — four Ways

Learn how you can import cost information into Google Analytics manually, using an add-on for Google Sheets, with the API and Apps Script, and with out-of-the-box solutions

If yous use multiple ad services and platforms to annunciate your products, information technology's a proficient idea to combine all advertising data in a single interface. This brings some huge advantages:

  1. Saves time. You don't need to eternally switch between Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and other services to evaluate the efficiency of advert efforts.
  2. two. Lets y'all compare the operation of all services in one system.In addition to cost data, you can transport additional data from ad services to Google Analytics to deeply clarify your campaigns, ads, and keywords. You tin apply this data to decide if your channels pay off and reallocate your upkeep by comparing views, ad costs, CTR, and ROAS for all traffic sources.

Yous can meet this information in GA reports by going to Acquisition — Campaigns — Cost Analysis.

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3. Lets you use additional features of Google Analytics. If you import cost data to Google Analytics, you tin employ it in different attribution models and compare calculation results along with ROI to properly credit your marketing channels.

These results also tin exist tracked in GA: Conversions — Attribution — Model Comparison Tool.

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How to import toll data to Google Analytics

It's quite piece of cake to import toll data from Google Ads (formerly AdWords) to GA as there's a native integration between these two services. To export cost information from other advertising services, you can do one of the post-obit:

  • Manually import via the GA interface.
  • Import with a special add-on for Google Sheets.
  • Use semi-automatic import with the API and Google Apps Script.
  • Use an out-of-the-box solution.

Nosotros'll take a closer look at the options that don't require whatever assistance from It specialists (like the API alternative) so you can acquire more than about how to import toll data in GA and using out-of-the-box solutions.

Please notation that all four options nosotros've mentioned require proper proper UTM tags in your campaigns:

  • Required: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign.
  • Optional: utm_term, utm_content.

Once users click on links to your site, the values from the UTM tags are sent to Google Analytics.

1. Import cost data through Google Analytics

With this method, you have to fill out a CSV file with the information from your ad service and upload it manually to Google Analytics every time you lot need a report. If you have two or three channels and yous want the information on them every month, this manual method is fine. But when information technology comes to dozens of channels, information technology gets really complicated and time-consuming.

There are iii steps to import cost data to Google Analytics.

Pace 1. Create a data prepare in Google Analytics.

Go to the Admin panel — Information Import — Create:

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Then cull Cost Data and click Go along:

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Name your data gear up and cull the GA view to upload cost data to. Click Go on:

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Now determine the data set up structure by choosing the parameters to export from the advertizement service to Google Analytics. There are three required fields, which are filled automatically: Date, Source, and Medium. There's likewise a ready of fields that require at least one parameter: Clicks, Price, and Impressions.

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The third set of fields is optional. Here you can add any actress data you collect with UTMs — for instance, keywords or ad content.

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Under Import Beliefs, choose what y'all want to do when imported data is repeated, for example when keywords are already uploaded to GA. If yous want to add the new data to the existing information, choose Summation. If you lot want the existing information to be replaced with the new information, choose Overwrite. Next, save the changes and you lot'll see a new data set in the Data Importcarte:

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Step two. Create a CSV file to upload.

Once you've created the information set, you lot need to prepare a CSV file, fill it with your data on price, clicks, and other metrics from the ad service, and upload information technology to Google Analytics. Don't forget to stick to the same information structure in the CSV file equally in the data set from step one. You tin can read more about how to properly build a file for uploading cost information in Google Analytics Help.

Step 3. Upload the CSV file to Google Analytics.

At this bespeak, your data has been collected and the CSV file is ready. Now information technology's time to send it to GA. To practice that, navigate back to Data Import and click on Upload File:

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Select the CSV file with the cost data on your computer and confirm the Upload:

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If the CSV file was filled correctly, you'll see that the status is Completed. Information technology will take well-nigh 24 hours to process the information and to add information technology to your reports.

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If y'all run across an error when importing the data, check out possible bug and solutions in Google Analytics Help.

ii. Import cost data using the Google Sheets addition

If you already collect toll data in Google Sheets, you tin can avoid the hassle with CSV files. Just apply the free OWOX BI Data Upload Add-on and send your toll information from Google Sheets to Google Analytics directly. If in that location are any mistakes in the uploaded data, the add together-on will suggest how to correct them.

To import data with the OWOX BI Data Upload Improver, yous demand to create a information set in GA, and download and install the add-on. Adjacent, open up a properly structured toll data table (similar the data set in GA, and click on Add-onsOWOX BI Data UploadUpload data:

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Then choose the account, web holding, and data gear up in GA to which yous would like to upload costs and click Verify & Upload.

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Sweet, in 24 hours yous'll see the added data in GA reports.

3. Use the API and Apps Script to import cost data

This information import option is semi-automatic. Here's how to set it up: create a data set in GA forth with a toll data tabular array in Google Sheets, and Google Apps Script volition do the residuum. Check out this guide to acquire more about importing via the API.

Go on in mind the drawbacks of this option, however:

  • In that location are tons of ready-made scripts, but you accept to configure them and know the correct App Script syntax to employ them.
  • You'll accept to collect information in Google Sheets manually or through another API and App Script, or fifty-fifty using special services.
  • In that location's a sure format you lot take to stick to or else you'll see errors or uncertainties in your data.

4. Importing cost data automatically via special services

Nearly Ecommerce projects use other ad platforms forth with Google Ads. Therefore, these projects accept to rail their costs advisedly to quickly react and reallocate their marketing budgets. This is why uploading data manually is surely too fourth dimension-consuming. Merely there are tools to solve this problem and assistance marketers and analysts get rid of routine work. Hither's our solution for this problem, which we telephone call OWOX BI Pipeline.

Currently, you tin can use BI Pipeline to automatically import information to GA from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Criteo, Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Market, MyTarget, AdRoll, Trafmag, Bing Ads, Twitter Ads, Sklik, Outbrain, Yahoo Gemini, and Hotline.

OWOX BI can likewise expand shortened links, recognize dynamic parameters in advertizing campaigns, check UTM tags, and notify yous of whatsoever mistakes in tags. And the cherry on elevation is that Pipeline converts the currency of the advertising service you employ to the one in GA.

If you need to analyze information for a previous period, you can set up a special choice in OWOX BI settings to get historical information from GA for the past six months.

Moreover, Pipeline retrospectively updates the data uploaded to GA (for up to 21 days) if there are any changes in the data of the ad service. Interested even so? You can try all of these features for costless during the 7-day trial menstruum.

Merely enough about the advantages of BI Pipeline. Let's talk almost how to apply it. You'll get-go need a data set in GA and then prepare OWOX BI Pipeline.

If you oasis't got an OWOX BI project, set it up using your Google business relationship. So navigate to Pipeline, create a pipeline and select the data source:

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Next, provide admission to the advertising service:

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And provide admission to your Google Analytics business relationship:

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Select the data set in Google Analytics to upload toll data:

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Now set the starting date for importing data (by default, it's the current date). You can change this to a past or futurity engagement. Now select a view and click Create:

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Ta da! The pipeline is set and gear up. The data will be available in GA reports in nigh 36 hours. It takes upwards to 12 hours for OWOX BI to process the information and up to 24 hours for GA to process information technology.


What if I simply demand data on a single campaign?

You tin can create a CSV file with the data from this campaign and upload information technology manually to GA. Automated import will only let you lot upload data on multiple campaigns. Though, you can fix filters to come across the information on the campaign yous need. To do that, choose the Entrada parameter when creating a data fix in GA:

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After that, go to Acquisition — Campaigns — Cost Analysis and set Campaign as the primary dimension to see a report across campaigns.

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What if I need more parameters than the data import in GA allows?

If you need information that isn't included in the cost data schema, you lot can collect and combine data from ad services in Google BIgQuery. OWOX BI Pipeline lets you ship complete data to BigQuery from Facebook Ads (meet the data schema).

How can I import cost data to GA from sources that aren't integrated with OWOX BI Pipeline?

BI Pipeline uses the official APIs of advert services. For services that don't provide an API or that aren't integrated with OWOX BI, in that location's a manual upload option. Information technology's dissimilar from the GA manual upload method as y'all don't have to form and upload CSV files — you can do that in the OWOX BI interface.

How can I calculate ROAS and accept into account refunds and completed orders that aren't in GA?

Y'all'll have to use BigQuery to merge data near completed orders from your CRM with data from ad services and GA. This will too permit yous to prepare a Funnel Based attribution model and evaluate your campaigns while bookkeeping for offline orders.


To compare the functioning of your advertising channels, yous demand to collect information in a single system like Google Analytics. The best mode to import your cost data depends on how many ad services yous apply and how often yous need reports on them.

If yous use two or iii ad services and don't demand reports frequently, y'all can upload toll data to GA manually. Otherwise, consider using special services like OWOX BI to automatically upload cost data.


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